[Academic Papers since 2017]
Fouser, Robert J. (forthcoming 2025). Language and Social Change and the 2014 Revisions to Official Punctuation Guidelines in South Korea. In [to be announced]. De Gruyter.
Fouser, Robert J. (forthcoming 2025). Korean as a Non-Native Language in Use: Exploring Beliefs, Emotions, and Identities among International Students in South Korea. In Sociolinguistics and Korean Language Education. Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California Berkeley.
Fouser, Robert J. (2024). Language Use in Gimhae’s Dongsang-dong Multiethnic Enclave: Some Observations. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch (98), 194–213.
Fouser, Robert J. (2022). Social Attitudes toward “School English” in Classroom Practice in South Korea from 1970 to the Present. In Policies and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching:20th-century Historical Perspectives (pp. 341–359). Amsterdam University Press. 10.5117/9789463722049_ch15
清永克己, & ファウザーロバート [Kiyonaga, Katsumi & Robert J. Fouser] (2021). 新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) 対策として注目されたオンライン教育: 日本とアメリカの教育に関する比較研究 [Comparative Study of Online Education as Countermeasure against Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection in Japan and the United States of America]. 至誠館大学研究紀要, [Shiseikan University Research Journal] (8), 37–52 (Japanese).
Fouser, Robert J. (2021). Underfloor Radiant Heating in the United States: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Korea-Inspired Dream. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch (95), 1–21.
Fouser, Robert J. (2018). “Literature Play” in a New World: The Social Origins of Kim Kirim and Pak T’aewŏn Modernist Expression. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch (93), 53–66.
Fouser, Robert J. (2017). Korean Language Education in Japan: From Marginalized Heritage Language to Popular Foreign Language. In The Routledge Handbook of Heritage Language Education (pp. 438–450). Routledge.
For older papers in English, please see Google Scholar or ORCID
[Conference Presentations since 2017]
Fouser, Robert J., “Language and Social Change and the 2014 Revisions to Official Punctuation Guidelines in South Korea” at the Comparative Punctuation Worldwide Conference, University of Regensburg, September 24, 2023 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Local Activism and the Evolution of Heritage Language Education in Japan: The Case of Yao City from 1970 to 2010,” Annual Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas, KU Leuven, September 21, 2022 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Crowdsourcing Questions about Appropriateness in Japanese and Korean as a Second Language,” 2022 Pragmatics & Language Learning (PPL) Conference, National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaiʻi, September 13, 2022 (Virtual, English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Language Learning Beliefs in Monolingual Speakers of Korean as a Third Language,” International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMBS) 2022, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, April 9, 2022 (Virtual, English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Searching for the Perfect Writing System: 20th Century Hangeul Reform Proposals,” 13th Conference of the Association for Written Language and Literacy (AWLL13), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, October 21, 2021 (Virtual, English).
Fouser, Robert J., “US Monolingual Ideology and the Suppression of Minority Languages in Territorial Hawaii and Occupied Japan, “XIV Convegno CIRSIL “Gli insegnamenti linguistici tra didattica e ideologia,” Università di Pisa, September 24, 2021 (Virtual, English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Cold War Cosmopolitanism and Theorization of “Culture” and of the ‘Native Speaker’ in Foreign Language Education in the United States from 1945-1970,” Colloque inter-associations de l’APHELLE, CIRSIL, HSS, SEHL et SIHFLES “Histoire des idées dans la recherche en didactique des langues 1945-2015,” Université de Tours, June 9, 2021 (Virtual, English).
Ko, Insung & Fouser, Robert J., “Pedagogical Implication of Changing Terms of Address in the Workplace in South Korea,” Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK), University of Minnesota, June 18, 2019 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Yamaguchi Kiichiro and Naganuma Naoe and the transmission and development of ideas about teaching the spoken language in Japanese as a Second Language (JSL),” Annual Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas, Maynooth University, September 7, 2018 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Naming Cafés and Bars in Seoul: Examples from Three Neighborhoods Experiencing ‘Commerce-Centered Gentrification’,” American Name Society (ANS) Annual Conference, Austin, January 8, 2017 (English).
[Invited Talks and Conference Addresses since 2017]
Fouser, Robert J., “Zainichi Korean Writers and ‘Outcast Literature’ in Japan,” Seoul Colloquium in Korean Studies (Seoul Center of the ÉFEO and Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch), invited lecture, June 7, 2024 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “도시의 역사적 경관 보존의 역사와 한국의 도시” [History of Preservation of Historic Cityscapes and Korean Cities], invited lecture, Humanities Symposium (인문학심포지움), Chonnam National University, June 4, 2024 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Searching for the Perfect Writing System: Hangeul Reform Proposals in the 20th Century,” invited lecture Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch, May 14, 2024 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “인공지능 시대의 언어학” [Linguistics in the Era of AI], keynote address, Korean Language and Literature Society (한국어문학회) Annual National Conference, December 1, 2023 (Virtual, Korean).
Fouser, Robert J., “Language Use in Foreign Migrant Neighborhoods in Korean Cities,” invited lecture, Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch, June 27, 2023 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Why Preserve Hanoks? A Brief History of the Idea Since the 1960s,” invited lecture, Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch, May 23, 2023 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “US Monolingual Ideology and the Fight for Linguistic Inclusion in the 20th Century: Learning from Hawaiʻi and Japan,” invited talk, ASLL Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Speaker Series, University of Iowa, March 23, 2023 (Virtual, English).
Fouser, Robert J., “신방언의 원동력은 무엇일까? -한국 일본 미국 뉴질랜드 케냐 등의 사례를 중심으로” [What is the Force behind New Dialects: Various Examples from Korea, Japan, United States, New Zealand, and Kenya], keynote address, Korean Language and Literature Society (한국어문학회) Annual National Conference, November 4, 2022 (Virtual, Korean).
Fouser, Robert J., “지역 사회와 다문화 교육의 행위성 : 미국과 일본 사례 중심으로” [Regional Society and Agency in Multicultural Education: Examples from the US and Japan], plenary presentation, International Conference, Daegu Catholic University Center for Multicultural Education, May 12, 2022 (Korean).
Fouser, Robert J., “일본의 낙오 문화 속에 한인 디아스포라 작가의 진정성과 힘: 유미리와 양석일 중심으로” [The Power of Authenticity in “Outcast Literature” in Japan: Korean Diaspora Writers Yu Miri and Yang Sok-il], keynote address, International Conference (Humanities Research Center, Daegu University and Tamna Culture Research Institute, Jeju University), Jeju University, August 11, 2021 (Virtual, Korean).
Fouser, Robert J., “Underfloor Radiant Heating in the West: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Korea-Inspired Dream,” keynote address, 20th International Society of Ondol (ISO) International Conference, July 15, 2021 (Virtual, Korean).
Fouser, Robert J., “Ondol Goes to America: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Korea-Inspired Dream,” invited lecture, Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch (Virtual, English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Recreating a Hanok in Seoul: A Personal Story,” invited talk, University of Iowa Sejong Institute, October 15, 2020 (Virtual, English).
Fouser, Robert J., “한국 도시재생의 조건을 생각하다” [Looking into the Conditions of Urban Regeneration in Korea], invited talk, 2019 Global City Forum, Seoul, September 30, 2019 (Korean).
Fouser, Robert J., “외국어 교육 문제들” [Foreign Language Education Issues and Problems], invited talk, Naver Yeollin Yeondan Lecture #24, August 31, 2019 (Korean).
Fouser, Robert J., “Moving toward Korean as a ‘Cultural Experience Language’,” invited lecture, Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch, May 21, 2019 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Otherness in Multicultural Education,” keynote address, 2019 CMS: SECI & EAIS Joint International Conference “Intercultural Perspectives in the Multicultural Era,” Daegu Catholic University, May 16, 2019 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “New Environments in Korean Language Education,” keynote address, 2018 AUATK Conference & Professional Development Workshop, University of Sydney, November 30, 2018 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “미국 본토 한식 문화 전파사 및 현재 위상과 미래” [History of Korean Food in the US and Current Position and Future Prospects], invited presentation, International Humanities Symposium on Korean Foods, Seoul, September 20, 2018 (Korean).
Fouser, Robert J., “Changing Attitudes toward Korean Language Education in Japan, invited lecture, Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch, May 8, 2018 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “The 386 Generation and the Quest for the ‘Good Country’,” Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch, invited lecture, March 28, 2017 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Korean Language Education in Japan: From the Underground Heritage Language to the Mainstream ‘Hobby Language’,” invited talk, Centre for Korean Studies, SOAS, University of London, March 17, 2017 (English).
Fouser, Robert J., “Recreating a Hanok in Seoul: A Personal Journey,” invited talk, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 23, 2017 (English).